The Laars Mini-Therm gas-fired, residential hydronic boiler is an ideal heating appliance that can reduce homeowners heating costs and has plenty of capacity to keep even the largest home comfortable on the coldest days. Extremely popular with homeowners, the JVS model offers an attractive and easy-to service jacket. Well-known for it's economy, the Mini-Therm has a built-in draft diverter and automatic vent damper to stop your valuable fuel payments from disappearing up the chimney in wasted heat
Applicable Standard : CSA
Brand : Laars
- JVS Boiler are Well-Known for Economy, Durability and the Capacity to Keep the Largest Homes Comfortable on the Coldest Days
- Low-Mass Heat Exchanger Results in Super Quick Heating Response
- Very Compact to Save Space
- Easy to Install, Reliable and Proven in the Field Over Many Years
- It has a Unique Hybrid and Two-Pass Heat Exchanger Design
- Indicator Lights for Power, Heat Call, DHW Call and WWSD
- Codes for Sensor Errors
- Pump Pre-Purge, Post-Purge and Exercise
PI Controller, Warm Weather Shutdown, Domestic Hot Water Operation, Automatic Boiler Differential, Blocked Vent Safety Switch, Flame Rollout Safety Switch