10 items
- Color: White
- Country of Origin: CN
- Current/Amps: 0.5 A
- Color: White
- Current/Amps: 0.37 A
- Duct Diameter: 4 in
- Color: White
- Country of Origin: US
- Current/Amps: 1.4 A
- Color: White
- Country of Origin: US
- Current/Amps: 0.9 A
- Color: White
- Country of Origin: US
- Current/Amps: 0.2 A
- Color: White
- Country of Origin: US
- Current/Amps: 0.5 A
- Color: White
- Country of Origin: US
- Current/Amps: 0.9 A
- Color: White
- Country of Origin: US
- Current/Amps: 0.5 A
- Color: White
- Current/Amps: 0.3 A
- Duct Diameter: 4 in